User handbook
This page explains Dribdat, an open source platform for data-driven team collaboration (such as Hackathons), covering the basic usage of the application. For more background see ABOUT, and for technical details visit the README. For a printable version of this document see 📄 Handbook for hackathons powered by Dribdat
Dribdat (from Driven by Data) works as an online multitool and project board, incorporating best practices from community building, such as templates for 🌳beginner 😄intermediate 🏀advanced level challenges, a 7-stage process for effective data-driven projects, connectivity to popular collaboration platforms, and time-tracking utilities.
So what are we waiting for? Let's get started!
Open the page of an event, log in and create a user Profile. Then you can explore the existing challenges at your event. Keep an eye on the unfilled Roles (🖍️Designer ⚙️Enabler 💡Facilitator etc.) that are shown on the bottom of the project page, if you are not sure which team you should support. You can then leave a Comment or Join the challenge.
Before the event starts, you may also be able to submit a New challenge, along with a summary of your idea. This could be linked to a supported design tool or code repository. Once you have a project page, you and any of your team members can click the Join button to make changes and contribute updates.
A typical Dribdat-powered event (this is from GLAMhack - the Swiss Open Culture Data hackathon) has a variety of challenges and projects at different stages, which you can explore in a hexagonal grid:
Use your project page to document what makes your ideas tick. Post a creative 30-second Pitch using plain text or Markdown. There is an editor you can activate which helps you learn this widely used formatting style.
Feeling hacky? Use the Pitch to write your presentation with a few simple statements and Marpit Markdown formatting, then ✓ Enable slide mode.
If you upload a PDF as your presentation, or link to a website (look for a Publish to Web or Embed code), this will also be shown at the top of your project.
You can add links to sound or video clips, embed documents or a slideshow hosted on a site like Speaker Deck. Content from many supported sites will turn into a live preview.
The picture below explains the various parts of a typical challenge or project page:
We do not force or even expect you to use the editor on this platform to work on your content. Some teams are content with just adding a link to their Demo or uploading their Pitch presentation into Dribdat.
Edit your project to add notes or answer questions relevant to the event you are at, and Details to tweak the Contact, Download, Source, Image links and more.
The README feature allows you to connect documentation from your open source repository on GitHub, an online document at Etherpad, and many other collaboration platforms.
To use this function, just put the URL to your remote content into the README field when creating a new project. Or find it in the Details editor on an existing challenge or project. Use the Sync (synchronise) button on your project page to refresh your changes at any time. You can still Edit your project to add notes or answer questions relevant to the event you are at, and Details to tweak the Contact, Download, Source, Image links and more. The contents of all projects in an event can be synced by the admin, and this happens automatically from time to time as you work with your project.
Activate publishing in this dialog, and finally copy the link that is shown, so that you can paste it into the README of your dribdat project:
By updating your progress using the Post button, you can regularly check in your team's status or any roadblocks. You may see a couple of tips for completing or advancing your project at the top of the screen. You can find this button on the top of any projects you have joined, or on your profile page (which takes you to your latest team).
Having a readable, regularly updated overview of what your team is working on is your secret weapon in collaborative projects. Release early, release often, and use the power of evaluation for quick feedback to your experiments. Then rock that stage with your results!
The posts are visible in the Log section of your project, in the Dribs global firehose, and on your profile as a Personal Log. As an organizer, this can help you to have an overview of all the teams, and what stage they are at.
Of course you can also cross-post to a variety of social networks to boost your online rep from here!
That's all there is to it, as a user. Read the Organiser's guide if you'd like to see more details about running your own event.